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Polkadot Japanese Cotton @ shopswithstyle

Salam n very good morning ;)
ouhh tetibe mimpi pepagi nie nk tulis blog..
arini wall FB iena semak dgn gambar polkadot japanese cotton
meriah gituw..mcm2 kale ader tau..
naik rambang mate d buatnye..
okies jom layan siket gambar yerp

WoWWWww banyak kn..

pada anda2 yg meminati polkadot japanese cotton jom ler singgah di shopswithstyle

website ->

Facebook -> shopswithstyle

hepss ade pesanan jap

notes : plz quote for every order/booking to shopswithstyle and u will entitle discount RM5 per item plus free postage worth RM6 !

Sekian Untuk Makluman N Tatapan semua..ahahaha

Mode : Rambang Mate PiliH Japanese Cotton


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