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5 Tips Latihan untuk Buang Selulit

Bagi kebanyakan wanita, bila dengar saja perkataan selulit, mereka dah tertekan kerana dibelenggu dengan masalah ini. Hampir 80% wanita di dunia mempunyai selulit di bahagian badan mereka seperti bahagian perut, belakang, dan peha. Selulit ini bukan sahaja ‘menyerang’ kaum wanita, malah ia boleh ada pada sesiapa sahaja samada orang itu kurus atau gemuk, lelaki atau wanita. Selulit adalah gumpalan lemak yang terdapat di bawah kulit. Sel sel lemak ini akan menarik tisu-tisu di bawah kulit dan menyebabkan teskstur kulit anda menjadi seperti menggerutu.

Selulit biasanya berlaku pada usia antara 25 hingga 35 tahun dan ia akan menjadi lebih banyak apabila umur semakin meningkat. Selulit boleh dikurangkan dengan pemakanan yang sihat dan aktiviti bersenam. Namun harus diingat, selulit ini bukanlah terlalu mudah untuk dihilangkan, oleh itu anda perlu melakukan aktiviti sihat dan makan makanan yang berkhasiat secara berterusan. Pendek kata, amalkan kehidupan yang sihat , itu lebih penting. Di sini, saya ingin kongsikan 5 jenis latihan yang dapat membantu memerangi selulit.
  1. Berjalan: Berjalan merupakan salah satu jenis latihan kardiovaskular. Ia bukan sahaja membantu membakar kalori, malah membantu membina otot-otot di kaki dan bahagian belakang. Seseorang yang berjalan dengan laju dapat membakar kalori lebih dari 360 kalori dalam masa satu jam. Jika anda cuba untuk jogging dan berjalan secara berselang-seli, ini dapat menambahkan lagi pembakaran kalori.
  2. Membengkokkan lutut: Latihan ini akan melibatkan otot di belakang, peha depan, dan peha belakang. Pastikan otot perut anda terlibat untuk menjaga bahagian belakang anda supaya dalam keadaan lurus. Ini akan membantu menambah kesan dalam memerangi selulit. Sambil anda berdiri, buat satu langkah yang besar ke hadapan dengan kaki kiri anda. Rendahkan badan dan turun sambil membengkokkan lutut anda. Kemudian bawa kaki kiri anda ke tempat permulaan. Ulang langkah ini dengan kaki anda pula dan kembali ke tempat permulaan semula seperti tadi. Untuk meningkatkan daya tahan, anda boleh menggunakan bola dengan menahan di dada sambil memegang dumbbell di kedua-dua belah tangan. Anda perlu ingat, ketika membengkokkan lutut, lutut anda tidak boleh melebihi jari kaki anda. Selain itu anda juga boleh membuat variasi dalam latihan ini. Letakkan kaki anda seperti anda membengkokkan lutut tadi, turunkan badan, dan cuba lompat. Ulang langkah ini, dan tukar ke kaki kanan pula, dan ulang untuk beberapa kali.
  3. Mengangkat kaki semasa meniarap: Semasa anda meniarap, cuba angkat kaki kiri anda setinggi yang boleh. Pada masa ini, lutut dan otot di belakang peha anda anda berkerja keras. Turunkan kaki kiri perlahan-lahan, dan ulangi langkah tersebut menggunakan kaki kanan pula. Ulang untuk beberapa set latihan. Jangan sehingga memaksa diri, buat dengan rileks saja.
  4. Rendahkan badan dan twist! Latihan ini melibatkan otot-otot bahagian belakang, peha, dan perut dalam masa yang sama. Berdiri dan buka kaki anda sejajar dengan lebar bahu anda. Genggam kedua belah tangan dan angkat selari dengan dada anda. Kemudian, rendahkan badan sehingga peha anda selari dengan lantai. Twist atau pusingkan badan anda ke kanan. Kemudian, berbalik ke langkah yang pertama sehingga anda rendahkan badan, pusingkan badan anda ke kiri pula. Buat berulang-ulang kali.
  5. ‘Squat thrusts’: Latihan ini akan meilbatkan otot perut, belakang, peha depan, dan peha belakang anda. Tiga langkah yang terlibat iaitu pertama, berdiri seperti biasa. Kedua, turunkan badan anda seperti keadaan mencangkung dengan kedua-dua belah tangan diletakkan di atas lantai di hadapan kedua belah kaki anda. Dan ketiga, luruskan kaki anda ke belakang seperti posisi untuk push ups. Ulang 3 langkah ini berkali-kali.
Nota tambahan dari Kevin Zahri: teknik-teknik di atas tidaklah akan menghapuskan selulit anda. Objective senaman kardiovaskular dan pemakanan yang baik adalah untuk mengurangkan 1) berat badan dan jumlah lemak badan. Gabungan kedua-dua itu akan membantu reduce appearance dan flatten selulit anda. Jadi ia masih ada tetapi kurang atau tidak kelihatan.


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What's all the HD fuss about?!

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See what you want to see, hear what you want to hear. It's Sony Xperia S with a whole new experience.

With videos featured on a pixel dense 4.3 inch HD screen, a camera that captures 12 megapixel and a blasting audio system.

What's there not to love? Especially when it dangles from RM1,218. Only from Celcom.

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Cool down with Coolblog on a hot sunny day!

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MAD Deal of the day: Get any 3 drinks with 2 toppings at Coolblog, Subang Parade at RM7.50 instead of RM14.10. [47% off]

Coolblog is a unique drink which combines the wonderful natural flavours of tea, with a healthy dose of...healthy fruits. Take it on a hot day for that instant satisfying kick!

Choose from 25 different flavours and top it up with any 2 toppings of your liking and share it with your friends. Or better yet, get rewarded when they buy through your link!

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comel kerh!!
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Accessorise in style with Renoma Paris!

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HiShop Deal: Shake and stir your style with 60% off ladies’ wallets, clutches and purses from Renoma Paris!

Wallets, clutches and purses are essential accessories to every girl’s wardrobe, so it’s important to find pieces that show off your own unique style. With their stylish and chic, yet affordable range, you’ll definitely find something that catches your eye at Renoma Paris.

With HiShop’s sale of 60% off Renoma Paris products, take your pick from the wallets, clutches and purses available. Don’t forget to tell your friends about it too, so you get rewarded when they make a purchase via your link!

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sELePaS BaCe Blog Post ciK iEna Yer (^_~)
heheh owh terperasan sudaa
comel kerh!!
hahah cik boy pren kate comel pon da cukup

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Engineers around the clock.

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The race may be over for the drivers, but for the engineers, it means another round of work to be done. Complicated analysis of data collected from the race, all in the name of laying down a faster laptime at the next race!

Experience what a Formula 1 car goes through, right from conception, testing to the race itself! Lets not forget the work done to the cars after the race.

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heheh owh terperasan sudaa
comel kerh!!
hahah cik boy pren kate comel pon da cukup

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Give your nails a brand new face!

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HiShop Deal: Dress up your nails with 25% off OPI Nail Lacquers, the brand the pros trust!

OPI Nail Lacquers are beloved around the world, and are the go-to nail lacquers for professionals and everyday people alike. With a range of colours wider than a pair of double rainbows, OPI Nail Lacquers has everything you need for nails that make a statement.

Grab yourself a bottle (or three) with HiShop’s sale of up to 25% off OPI Nail Lacquers. Share the good news with your friends too, and get rewarded when they buy via your link!

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comel kerh!!
hahah cik boy pren kate comel pon da cukup

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Let funky footwear put a spring in your step!

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HiShop Deal: Take a stroll with 30% off the funky Dupe flipflops from Brazil!

Who said flipflops can't be fashionable? Dupe flipflops from Brazil not only make a statement in a wide array of colours and patterns, they're made from super soft, extremely flexible rubber exclusive to Dupe only.

Give your feet a treat with HiShop's sale of 30% off Dupe flipflops, and spread the news too so you'll get rewarded when friends buy via your link!

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sELePaS BaCe Blog Post ciK iEna Yer (^_~)
heheh owh terperasan sudaa
comel kerh!!
hahah cik boy pren kate comel pon da cukup

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Add some sparkle to your life with Love Soni Jewelry!

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HiShop Deal: Add some sparkle to your life with Love Soni Jewellery for up to 70% off from HiShop!

Love Soni Jewellery is inspired by the mantra 'live to love, love to sparkle', and it’s reflected in the wide range of jewellery they offer. From dainty lockets and exquisite earrings to chunky statement bracelets and rings, Love Soni has got it all.

Snag yourselves some pretty pieces from Love Soni Jewellery with the sale of up to 70% off from HiShop, and spread the word to your friends too so you get rewarded when they buy through your link!

JanGaN LuPa cLicK piC CoMeL
CiK iEnA kat sebelah nie
sELePaS BaCe Blog Post ciK iEna Yer (^_~)
heheh owh terperasan sudaa
comel kerh!!
hahah cik boy pren kate comel pon da cukup

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Pull an Angelina Jolie!

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We are often too caught up in our hectic lives to count our blessings, and don't realise how lucky we are to have what we have. Garnier is making it easy for you to put a smile on the faces of the less fortunate with their "Sinar Cahayaku bersama Garnier Take Care" programme!

Come forward and share your time and guidance with young orphaned girls during their growing years by being a 'Kakak Angkat' to one of them. It is rewarding being a big sister, and you get to bond with your 'little sister' over activities organised by Garnier throughout the year.

Find out more about the Sinar Cahayaku programme at Garnier's Facebook page now!

JanGaN LuPa cLicK piC CoMeL CiK iEnA
sELePaS BaCe Blog Post ciK iEna Yer (^_~)
heheh owh terperasan sudaa
comel kerh!!
hahah cik boy pren kate comel pon da cukup

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Not just another beauty pageant.

Do you have the charisma, personality and courage? Are you ready to take up the challenges and become the next Miss World Malaysia?

Participate in Miss World Malaysia and you may be spotted for a movie role to start your acting career. Not to mention prizes of up to RM 150,000 for this year’s event.

And if you think that any of your friends deserves the crown, nominate them and you might win yourself the ‘Friend of Miss World’ title, RM10,000 and an invitation to witness Miss World Global Finals!

Don’t miss you! Registration deadline is 31st March 2012.

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