Grab The Promo
Grab The Promo

Burger Malaysia

Jom minum petang
cik iena suka beli kuih nie petang2..
tapi mesti kene beli dekat gerai tepi jalan yg dkt dgn Kilang Denso Bandar baru bangi
berdepan dgn Seven E..

kuih nie gemok
besaa sgt
besar dr kuih biasa

kebanyakan kuih kt situ debab2
harga pun debab siket la

tp tak debab mane pon

RM0.50 je seketul

Cik iena tak bwk kamera time nie
so xley la nk amek gmbr kuih debab2 yg lain

next time cik iena amek

Ops tersalah schedule lah..
patutnye kul 6.00 PM publish
hahhaha tp dek ngantuk sgt kot mlm td
terbuat 6.00 a.m
hahahaa layanz kan ajer 
Salam Subuh Dan Selamat Bekerja
Hati2 Di jalan raye

Thanks singgah blog cik iena yer
next time dtg singgah lg yer(^_~)

Outing~Ranggi & Funky

Photoshoot - Funky N Ranggi -

Taman Tasik Perdana

MUA : Iena Eliena

Model : Iena Eliena

Wardrobe : Iena Eliena

Photographer : Fotocantik Studio

Photographer : Si Awal

Photographer :Born Amin 

Photographer :Born Amin 

Photographer :Born Amin 

Photographer : Ady Snappers

Photographer : Yusri Bin Yusof

Photographer : Yusri Bin Yusof

Photographer : Yusri Bin Yusof

Photographer : Yusri Bin Yusof

Photographer : Mano Photography

Photographer : Mano Photography

Photographer : Mano Photography

Photographer : Rafiuddin Rodzuan

Photographer : Rafiuddin Rodzuan

Photographer : Yusri Bin Yusof

Photographer : Yusri Bin Yusof

Photographer : Yusri Bin Yusof

Photographer : Mazlan Rais

Thanks singgah blog cik iena yer
next time dtg singgah lg yer(^_~)
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