Istimewa untuk anda, Voucher RM 50 Zalora daripada Digi. Jika sebelum ni cik iena share Free voucher Lazada, kali ni Zalora pula . Pada penggemar online shopping jangan lepaskan peluang ini.
Siapa lagi nak bagi FREE Voucher RM 50 kan :)
Nampaknya anda yang tindak mempunyai nombor DIGI, lepasni perlu sign UP satu nombor DIGI lah
Siapa lagi nak bagi FREE Voucher RM 50 kan :)
Nampaknya anda yang tindak mempunyai nombor DIGI, lepasni perlu sign UP satu nombor DIGI lah
Cara-cara dia sangat mudah, klik link dibawah . Kemudian isi borang dan hantar. Anda akan menerima Voucher code tersebut .
Digi-Zalora Rewards Campaign
- Valid only at
- Valid till 15th June 2015 and for ONE TIME USE only. valid for order with minimum purchase value of RM75 and above.
- Valid for one customer's usage only. This voucher cannot be sold, bought, exchanged or donated. Multiple usage of vouchers across multiple transactions and/or elements of fraud will lead to cancellation of the order.
- One customer can only use one voucher starting with “D50ZIGIxxxxxxx”
- Brand and item exclusions apply. Not valid for Marketplace items, with other promo codes and promotions, unless otherwise stated.
- Promo code is not applicable on discounted items.
- Refund is not applicable on voucher value.
- Free delivery is only applicable on paid price RM75 and above.
- Digi and ZALORA Malaysia reserves the right to change the terms and conditions or cancel any promotion at any time without notice.

Thanks singgah blog cik iena yer
next time dtg singgah lg yer(^_~)
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