Grab The Promo
Grab The Promo

Blow Water?

have u heard before?
blow water????
if you know cantonese, yes it has to be in cantonese, not mandarin, you must have heard of this word '吹水' a.k.a blow water. So what does that means? It means you blow water lar... ahahaha, no lar just joking. It means chatting, gossip-ing, bullshit-ting with friends. This is a common word used by guys, seldom heard it from gals.
seriously this is my firs time heard this word...
haha im not terer english lorr...but since work with them..i have to paksa diri to speak english meyhh
before this im working with malay company so our conversation is all in i did not practise to speak english...just sometimes if i go to meet chinese client...they prefer to speak english...haha seriously terkial2 jugak la for a long time not speak english...
But im happy working here..
My bos is officemate also chinese n got two malay boy..

I know im not good in english...haha owh my english
Broken english lorhhh

But they do not laugh at me lorhhh
Just try to speak as simple u can..
They will understand...
Opsss one of my officemate is from germany lorhh
So if we want to kutuk2 him ..we will speak malay lorhhh then he will smille and said ' u speak malayy arrr u wait lorhh u will die soon if now the meaning'

Haha his name is tomy
very good looking...
cuci mate meyh..haha

okeyh dah dah stop
sleep lorr cik iena...tmrw nk keje..
okiesss nite sume...
haha sile jgn gelak owh my english... huhu da bergolek2 nk tdo sambil type blog entry nieee

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6

Photoshoot With Butik Mama-MMyra 47

Harga : RM179.00
+ Koleksi Eksklusif Bussaina Apparels 
+ Eksklusif Jubah Bussaina
+ Material : Lycra Korea
+ Free size ( up to XL)
+ Ukuran inci (Labuh 52-55, Bahu 16, Dada 35-37 -ukur lilit-, Pinggul 42-44 - ukur lilit-)
+ Cutting A-Shape

(Eksklusif design hanya dari Butik MaMa !!!)

** Jahitan jalur didada dan ropol serong dibahagian tengah jubah menjadikan jubah 
lebih "trendy" dan eksklusif

Thanks to Butik Mama Sudi Bekerjasama dgn cik iena
Semoga bertambah2 murah rezeki Butik Mama
As Model Butik Mama Wajib ler cik iena mempromote kn
Produk Butik Mama..
hihihi mane2 Butik Yg Bekerjasama dgn cik iena pon cik iena akn tlg mempromote2 keyh

This is auto publish post (schedule)
Current Activity : Working..haha

♥♥ Info Menarik ♥♥

Thanks singgah blog cik iena yer
next time dtg singgah lg yer(^_~)

Photoshoot With Butik Mama-MIzatul 40

Harga : RM145.00
+ Koleksi Eksklusif Bussaina Apparels 
+ Eksklusif Jubah Bussaina
+ Material : Lycra Korea
+ Free size 
+ Ukuran inci (Labuh 53-55, Bahu 15, Dada 35-37 -ukur lilit-, Pinggul 44-46 - ukur lilit-)
+ Cutting A-Shape

(Eksklusif design hanya dari Butik MaMa !!!)

** Lengan berbutang dan bahagian bawah jubah dijahit beropol seprti skirt...
** Ropol eksklusif di bahagian dada & bahu jubah
** Koleksi yang sesuai digayakan ke mana jua...

Thanks to Butik Mama Sudi Bekerjasama dgn cik iena
Semoga bertambah2 murah rezeki Butik Mama
As Model Butik Mama Wajib ler cik iena mempromote kn
Produk Butik Mama..
hihihi mane2 Butik Yg Bekerjasama dgn cik iena pon cik iena akn tlg mempromote2 keyh

This is auto publish post (schedule)
Current Activity : Working..haha

♥♥ Info Menarik ♥♥

Thanks singgah blog cik iena yer
next time dtg singgah lg yer(^_~)

Makan2 @ M'cd with new officemate

yeahh today my first day keje kt tmpt bru..hihi sblm tdo gatal tgn nk post kt blog..thanks to mr.Eric blanje mekdi yups..
all my new officemate very friendly..they r programmer like me but dh tentu dorang lg tererr programming dr cik iena..

im the only malay girl..yeahhh who say perempuan cannot b programmer....finaly ade gak geng perempuan yg bekerja as programmer...sblm ni im the only girl...

new cabaran kowt kali ni sb kene pakse diri speak english ...sblm ni keje company mlayu..ckp org kite je laa...laa ni keje dgn company chinese so must speak english ...tambahan lg ade programmer from germany keje kt sini...
woot woot cuci mate kejap...haha kiut meyhhh

berhihrah ke tmpt bru bnyk bnda bru nk kne cik iena kne work hard la tuk study all new thing...
Haha first day keje dh dmam...
Cik iena alah pd habuk...
G solat kt surau...kebetulan terambil sejadah yg jarang org berhabuk la kn...
Jeng jeng jeng
Akibatnye bersin2 + selesema + demam...
Dh mkn ubat dh blk keje td n sblm nk tdo ni..harap esk tak teruk la dmam nye...

Okiessd nite sume....
To my self...
Chaiyok chaiyok !!!
Study hard!!!
Haha anggaplh cm smbg blaja ...

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6

Photoshoot With Butik Mama-MAyuni 46

Harga : RM189.00
+ Koleksi Eksklusif Bussaina Apparels 
+ Eksklusif Jubah Bussaina
+ Material : Lycra Korea
+ Free size 
+ Ukuran inci (Labuh 52-54, Bahu 16, Dada 36-38 -ukur lilit-, Pinggul 52-54 - ukur lilit-)
+ Cutting A-Shape
+ Jahitan jalur didada & jahitan getah cekak pada lengan baju

(Eksklusif Design keluaran Butik MaMa!)

** Design eksklusif keluaran Butik MaMa kini kembali lagi atas permintaan ramai!
** Sangat sesuai bagi mereka yang berani mencuba design eksklusif ini...
** Potongan kembang seperti skirt akan membuatkan si pemakai kelihatan sangat 
cantik & menawan...

Thanks to Butik Mama Sudi Bekerjasama dgn cik iena
Semoga bertambah2 murah rezeki Butik Mama
As Model Butik Mama Wajib ler cik iena mempromote kn
Produk Butik Mama..
hihihi mane2 Butik Yg Bekerjasama dgn cik iena pon cik iena akn tlg mempromote2 keyh

This is auto publish post (schedule)
Current Activity : Working..haha

♥♥ Info Menarik ♥♥

Thanks singgah blog cik iena yer
next time dtg singgah lg yer(^_~)
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