okay ni pic sebelum jahit beads
Selepas jahit beads
Hope Yaya Suker..
nie ler yaya tomell

Okehh done..
ader 2 helai lg baju nk d jahit manik + my baju lagi..
adehhhh..bersengkang mata ler lg..
Upin & ipin @ menara telekom
opss jgn salah sangka..
booth upin & ipin actually..
hahaha..adehh ape kene iena nie eyhh
hehe saje2 jer..
ari rabu baru2 nie g meeting dkt menara telekom..
sampai awal kt sane so jejalan ler kt bwh tu sb ade bnyk booth yg jual mcm2 brg tuk rayer nie kn..
tp memandangkn kami sampai awal bnyk lg yg x bukak..
iena sempat ler jgak snap picture booth upin ipin nie
akak nie mmg sporting gitu..
dia suke kite snap pic booth dia..
ley promote2 kn..
mcm2 barangan upin & ipin d jual tau..
termasuk sabun,shampoo,sampul duit raya,kad raya dan mcm2 lagi lah..
haa anda2 yg berada di menara telekom atau berhampiran dgn nyer tu
g la tgk mana tau ade yg berkenan kn..
betul betul betul!!
Yeahh Last Week iena received Gift From
dapat 2 helai tudung & 1 helai 3 layer inner syria..
Thanks akak baiti
Okeh nie diantara gambo yg sempat di snap..
heheh muke selebet iena bru balik kojer
ape2 pn thanks a lot kak baiti
ini adalah kali ke dua iena dpt gift dr kak baiti..
Jom tgk ape yg ader dkt
Koobface adalah virus terbaru yang telah menyerang fenomena rangkaian sosial. halaman-halaman rangkaian sosial seperti facebook dan myspace .
Virus berasal pada awal Disember dan dilaporkan telah beberapa komputer dijangkiti dengan menggunakan platform facebook. Walaupun virus seperti telah dilaporkan sebelumnya di myspace, tetapi ini yang baru menggunakan kaedah yang berbeza untuk mencari ke dalam PC pengguna dan malware menyebar ke komputer.
Huwaaa patut lerrr..
iena bace artikel ni
Basically if you are using facebook you should watch for automated email messages that display either insulting message or some thing very tempting about you. Messages like, "you look funny in this video" or "you look so stupid in this pic" can be used to persuade somone to click on the link attached. Once the user clicks on them it takes you to a video which doesn't play and they ask you to download certain codecs which can be a 'flash_player.exe' file.
If the file is downloaded your computer becomes open to Koobface malware. It downloads a file 'tinyproxy.exe' which hijacks your PC. It can even alter search results from google,yahoo etc and redirect you to websites selling malicious softwares.
http://hubpages.com/hub/How-To-Remove-Koobface-Virus (NAK BACA BNYK LG CLICK)
hmmm patut ler pg td dok nengok2 video yg org anta,org tag kt fb..
bnyk sgt video kt fb yg d tgk so x dpt detect la tang video mane yg kene tu..
pastu ade kua flash player.exe tu
hishhh sb tu ruper nyer..
nasib baik ler facebook jer yg prob xley login..kene verify segala mcm tu
my lappy okeh2 jah sb ade jackie chan..
hurmmm ni bace lg..
The Koobface virus is back on Facebook, alive and well, waiting to cripple your computer should you make the wrong click. Beware of emails sent by your Facebook friends that contain a link to view a video. This link will take you to a fake YouTube site which will request you to upgrade/download the Adobe Flash Player. What really downloads is Koobface virus. Snopes has confirmed this as well. The latest and most sophisticated variant of Koobface, a When Koobface infects a computer, the virus turns it into a useless machine. Koobface has recently started to manipulate the computer registry and trick a computer so that it does not recognize its own files. The virus will also try to collect personal data such as credit card information. Savvy Koobface controllers lure social networking users into infecting their own computers. The virus is starting to attract users with new and more sophisticated ploys. Yet the original method for tricking users still works to spread the virus. Facebook users will receive a message from their friend's infected computer. The message directs users to a link and then they will receive a request to download a video player. The download is an executable file that gets past most antivirus programs and infects a user's computer. Koobface uses popular videos and messages to attract the most views such as breaking news about celebrities. The Koobface scheme does not even require hacking into a hard drive. Users download the virus and then transfer it unknowingly to their Facebook friends. The brains behind Koobface always alter the bad code and try to stay a step ahead of antivirus software.
♥.:Ayunar Hijab Style Challenge Contest:.♥ JOM VOTE IENA ![]() |
hehe ini dalah pilihan pertama.....
ahaa...piliha kedua pulak
Taraaaaaaa Pilihan kedua..kehkeh.....
ahaaa pilihan ketiga iena pulak..adalah
jeng jeng jeng
hah amacam korang2..cun kan kasut dr SEPATU London..
Bangga nyer iena dgn anak malaysia nie..
lalalaaaaaa glamour gitu kt UK tau..
haaa jom nengok sket keratan magazine yg kuar pasal SEPATU London nie
haaa amacam..
bangga tak anak malaysia berjaya nun di UK..
okehh kalau korang2 berminat blh g website SEPATU London
Your account is currently unavailable due to a site issue. We expect this to be resolved shortly. Please try again in a few minutes.
so sorry dear..
akak x ley bukak akaun fb akak..
misss you dear
cth beads baju deqnor
beads hijau + pink..
sila cuci mate..
eheee tp xsiap lg..
nie baru lengan tgn yg x siap..
insyaallah klu sempat nk tambah kt badan baju..
lalalaaa merelip merelap gituww
Iena Eliena’s Blog focuses on iena eliena life style as a part time blogger .
Love to share all about her self . About her favourite foods, favourite place , about her blogging activity that she's involved in almost 12 years and also about her vacation in the country or abroad . Love to captured her selfie and share to Instagram to attract more follower.
Kindly email me for any event invitation / product review / any collaboration with your brand. You can reach me at