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Make Up Nikah - iefa (Ainul Mardhiah)

Make Up Nikah : iefa (Ainul Mardhiah)
Location : Masjid Negara,KL
Date : 27 March 2012

pengantin with mak andam:)

cik iena with my lovely customer(^_~)

happy together(^_~)

JanGaN LuPa cLicK piC CoMeL
CiK iEnA kat sebelah nie
sELePaS BaCe Blog Post ciK iEna Yer (^_~)
heheh owh terperasan sudaa
comel kerh!!
hahah cik boy pren kate comel pon da cukup

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Keep Waiting Pengantin(^_~)


Waiting again...
alkisahnya pengantin smp lewat sb jalan jem..
pengantin smp dlm 5 lebey..
nk dijadikan cerita pulak tok imam tukar kn time tuk nikah dari 6.30 kpd 5.30
hahaha cik iena bru nk start make up kul 5.20pm
Memandangkan waktu nikah tlh dipercepatkn oleh tok imam
agak kelam kabut jgak la cik iena
cik iena pn make up je lah
tok imam pn dh menunggu..
terpaksa la cik iena stop make up..
pakai based make up sahaja..
tanpa eye shadow..
yg lain ade la cume xberapa nk ok cpt nk cpat sgt2..
nikah d percepatkan dr 6.30 ptg ktp 5.30ptg + pengantin smp lewat tuk d mekapkn..
hihi ape2 pun nikah tetap perlu d teruskan..
yg penting AKAD NIKAH
bukan make up or tidak..
so cik iena lepaskn pengantin tuk g akad nikah dlu..
selepas akad nikah baru cik iena sambung balik make up
 haa yg nie pic makeup yg tak sudah la nie..hihi
nk wt cmner kn da xcukup mase tuk make up..

Pengantin dah pun naik atas tuk majlis akad nikah
so cik iena tunggu lah dkt bwh..kt tmpt mini pelamin..
malas nk naik atas sb takot barang make up hilang:)
hahah ape lg cik iena ni kn kaki bergambar
pinjam la pelamin pengantin kejap ye
hahaha AMEK BERKAT(^_~)

huhu sile jgn muntah tgk pic tuan empunyer blog nie yer

Ouchhhhhhh tergewdik sudah..
rindu nk photoshoot(^_~)

hahahha ape laaa cik photog ni snap pic cik iena membebel

yeayy im the gewdik mak andam:)

hahahha mulot muncung ku berjaya d snap.
haishhh tak comellllllll

hahhaa cik iena weng weng
alergik kamera

Pic last..
sopan sket yer cik iena oitttttt

lame jgak la menunggu cik pengantin utk d mekap kn semula nie..
panjang btl kutbah nikah tu yer

lepas pengantin da nikah 
cik iena terus sambung make up..

dh ciappppp

hopes cik pengantin berpuas hati dgn perkhidmatan cik iena yer..
nk tgk gmbr pengantin yg d mekap kn lg..
tgu next entry ye
tp x bnyk la
sb cik iena tak tunggu lame pn..
lepas make up setel trus balik..
tak sempat nk tgu majlis pengantin lepas isyak..
ape2 pun hepi sgt sb dpt buat pengantin hepi
pengantin msg say thanks & ckp make up cik iena cantek dan dia suka kn cik iena make up dia
syukur alhamdulillah
will do the best for my customer

JanGaN LuPa cLicK piC CoMeL
CiK iEnA kat sebelah nie
sELePaS BaCe Blog Post ciK iEna Yer (^_~)
heheh owh terperasan sudaa
comel kerh!!
hahah cik boy pren kate comel pon da cukup

<------ click okeyh

My simple Smokey Eye

mak andam tak ley make up over2 okeyhh
nanti tersalah pengantin..
so cik iena pn wt simple smokey eye

cik iena gune color grey + black

Kryolan eye shadow pallete

jom layan lg pic gegedik tuan empunyer blog

hehe nie pic yg bermake up d atas la ye

dh cukup nty mutah plak (^_~)

next entry
sambungan cerita ttg menunggu pengantin(^_~)

JanGaN LuPa cLicK piC CoMeL
CiK iEnA kat sebelah nie
sELePaS BaCe Blog Post ciK iEna Yer (^_~)
heheh owh terperasan sudaa
comel kerh!!
hahah cik boy pren kate comel pon da cukup

<------ click okeyh

Menunggu pengantin :)

Sementara menunggu pengantin..cik iena jalan2 dlu sekitar masjid negara..pemandangan nye mmg sgt indah..hihi xpernah lg pergi masjid negara..
sepatutnya janji dgn pengantin kul 4 dkt masjid negara..
dia nikah pukul 6.30
iena smp kul 4 tp call dia xdpt..
bile dpt call dia ckp dia otw..
jalan jem..
ye la pengantin bz lah kn..
lagi pun iefa nie sgt bagus..semua urusan wedding dia dan suami yg uruskan..
kesian jgak tgk dia..
sgt2 bz..
so sementara menunggu tu..cik iena snap la sikit gmbr ye..
huhu layan je la tuan empunya blog yg sgt suke bergambar nie

indah nye ciptaan illahi

main entrance

huhu cik iena yg suke bergmbr

Menara KL Dihujung jari:)

silaunyeeee..sepet mate

cik iena suke pic ats nie(^_~)
ouchhhh cik iena montel daaaaaa
aiyaaaaaaa need to diet:)

JanGaN LuPa cLicK piC CoMeL
CiK iEnA kat sebelah nie
sELePaS BaCe Blog Post ciK iEna Yer (^_~)
heheh owh terperasan sudaa
comel kerh!!
hahah cik boy pren kate comel pon da cukup

<------ click okeyh

Don’t be a fool this April!

campaign image
Something big is happening on April Fools’ Day at Golden Screen Cinemas nationwide – for real!

Golden Screen Cinemas invites you to celebrate their 25th anniversary on 1st April 2012, and there will be surprises for the first 25,000 people who arrive at GSC branches across Malaysia on that day. (T&C apply)

Trust us on this, don’t be a fool and miss out on the great surprises in store!

JanGaN LuPa cLicK piC CoMeL
CiK iEnA kat sebelah nie
sELePaS BaCe Blog Post ciK iEna Yer (^_~)
heheh owh terperasan sudaa
comel kerh!!
hahah cik boy pren kate comel pon da cukup

<------ click okeyh

Meet your new obsession.

campaign image
Shopping for dresses is tons of fun, but walking in and out of store after store after store hunting for your favourite brands? Not so much. Not to worry though, because very soon, gorgeous clothes, bags and shoes from over 150 brands are just a few clicks away from you!

Forget traffic jams and clogged-up parking spaces – shopping for clothes has never been this easy with Zalora Malaysia. Expand your online closet by shopping at Zalora and get free nationwide delivery, a 30-day exchange policy, and secured checkout.

Stay tuned for the launch of Zalora Malaysia to win countdown giveaways and exclusive offers! It’s time to be obsessed with fashion.

JanGaN LuPa cLicK piC CoMeL
CiK iEnA kat sebelah nie
sELePaS BaCe Blog Post ciK iEna Yer (^_~)
heheh owh terperasan sudaa
comel kerh!!
hahah cik boy pren kate comel pon da cukup

<------ click okeyh

Love what you do with the internet?

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This year, we’re celebrating all the amazing individuals who spark great inspirations on the WorldWideWeb.

It’s time for you to share your Internet-inspired success story and take your spot amongst the best of the Internet.

New categories, with bigger prizes to be won! Now open for entries. Hurry! Entries open from 25 March till 22 April!

JanGaN LuPa cLicK piC CoMeL
CiK iEnA kat sebelah nie
sELePaS BaCe Blog Post ciK iEna Yer (^_~)
heheh owh terperasan sudaa
comel kerh!!
hahah cik boy pren kate comel pon da cukup

<------ click okeyh

No more sticky residue with a roadtax sticker!

campaign image
MAD Deal of the day: Get a set of 3 road tax stickers to prevent leaving stains on the windscreen for RM13 instead of RM20. [35% off]

Prevent leaving annoying sticky residue on the car windscreen that needs to be scraped off with a knife by using these road tax stickers. Easy to remove means no more cursing while scraping away in an awkward position.

Get a set of 3 for yourself and your family, and let your friends know. Get rewarded when they buy through your link.

JanGaN LuPa cLicK piC CoMeL
CiK iEnA kat sebelah nie
sELePaS BaCe Blog Post ciK iEna Yer (^_~)
heheh owh terperasan sudaa
comel kerh!!
hahah cik boy pren kate comel pon da cukup

<------ click okeyh

Be comfortable with your inner secrets!

campaign image
HiShop Deal: Treat your body to fashionable and alluring undergarments with 20% off Inner Secrets lingerie!

The ladies all know that stunning dresses and sizzling outfits won’t matter without comfortable undergarments to go with them. Worry not, for Inner Secrets comes to the rescue with a range of fashionable yet alluring undergarments that will let you show off your outfits with confidence.

Stock up on these necessities with HiShop’s sale of 20% off Inner Secrets lingerie, and share the news with your friends too so you get rewarded when they make a purchase via your link!

JanGaN LuPa cLicK piC CoMeL
CiK iEnA kat sebelah nie
sELePaS BaCe Blog Post ciK iEna Yer (^_~)
heheh owh terperasan sudaa
comel kerh!!
hahah cik boy pren kate comel pon da cukup

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